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Class of 1971 Reunion News


All Graduating Class Reunion (To attend you must be over 21 years old)

Pay at the door but an RSVP is requested via the Facebook event page described below.

Gail Chickersky

There is a Facebook entity named Newark High created by Mary Lou Thomas McDowell who is the NHS Alumni Assn Corresponding Secretary. The all class reunion is on the event page of that entity.

This Facebook entity is like a group and all graduates of Newark Senior High School in Newark, Delaware are encouraged to "friend" "Newark High". Also check out

NHS 1971 45th High School Reunion
The next reunion is scheduled for August, 2016 - have not zeroed in on a specific weekend date yet. The location will be inside the Delaware Saengerbund (where Oktoberfest is held each year).

Here are some photos from our reunion held
Saturday November 25th, 2006:   

Here is a photo from the 1999 reunion:
Contact:     Deborah (Lamenzo) Snapp
                   1125 Elderon Drive
                   Wilmington, DE  19808


Remember to update us whenever your mailing address or e-mail address changes. We want to be able to deliver your Reunion Information in a timely and accurate manner!

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